JANESVILLE — Tree removal and utility work is under way along Center Avenue on Janesville’s south side in preparation for a major reconstruction of the thoroughfare beginning in the spring.
The trees designated for removal and trimming were shown on exhibits that were displayed at the Public Involvement Meetings held during the last two years.
Copies of these exhibits can be viewed on the Project’s website located at: https://wisconsindot.gov/Pages/projects/by-region/sw/us51-janesville/default.aspx
Although construction will start in the spring of 2024, the removal of the trees during winter months helps reduce impacts to species that may reside or roost in the trees during the summer months, according to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation.

Approximately 1.3 miles of US 51 is planned for pavement replacement between Nicolet Street and McKinley Street in the City of Janesville. Other improvements proposed in this project include:
- Reconstruct US 51 from Nicolet Street to McKinley Street. The existing curb & gutter and
asphalt/concrete pavement structure would be removed and replaced with new concrete
pavement. - Pedestrian curb ramps at each intersection would be replaced and updated to comply with
ADA standards. - Spot locations of sidewalk would be identified for tripping hazards and replaced (assessed
to property owners). - Traffic signals at the State Street/Marquette Street, Delavan Drive, Rockport Road, and
Racine Street intersections would be replaced with upgraded signal equipment. These new
signals would be placed strategically to improve visibility of signal heads. - Street lighting at signalized intersections would be replaced and upgraded for improved pnight-time visibility.
4 - Bridge structures would receive the following improvements:
– Rock River: Concrete overlay, joint replacement, concrete repairs, riprap
– Wisconsin & Southern Railroad: Deck seal - The intersections of Nicolet Street, Delavan Drive, and Rockport Road would receive minor geometric alterations to improve sight lines around left-turning vehicles.