JNR photo

JANESVILLE — No major injuies were reported Monday as Janesville firefighters were called out to respond to two separate incidents.

In the first incident, Janesville Fire units were called out at 10:35 a.m. Monday to the 400 block of Forest Park Boulevard for a reported residential fire, according to a news release from Janesville Firefighters Local 580.

The fire was reported by a neighbor and nearby school staff.

When they arrived, the first-in units found heavy fire throughout the home and multiple attack lines were deployed.

The home was unoccupied at the time of the fire, according to the news release.

The cause was determined to be accidental in nature and related to wood burning heating equipment.

Damage is estimated to be around $300,000.

Thirty-three firefighters responded and one firefighter received a minor injury that was treated on scene.

In the second incident, Janesville Fire units were called out at 4:19 p.m. to the 3700 block of County Rd. J for a farm tractor and mower on fire.

When they arrived, firefighters found a tractor fully involved in fire. Some damage also occurred to a nearby metal storage shed next to tractor. Fire was controlled, limiting damage to outside of shed.

Twenty-two firefighters responded.

JFD was assisted by Town of Turtle Fire, Town of Beloit Fire, Rock County Sheriff, and Rock Energy.

No injuries reported. No cause or loss estimate at posting.

**Photos: JFD Photographer retired Lt. Dave Sheen