JANESVILLE — The five points intersection improvement project on Janesville’s near west side will begin on Monday, March 24, 2025, including a full closure of the intersection, according to the WisDOT.
The improvements include upgrading traffic signal equipment, improving turn lanes, updating pedestrian crossings, adding sidewalk connections, replacing water main and storm sewer pipes, and installing high-visibility pavement markings.
During construction, the traffic control will consist of two stages. Stage one will include a full closure of the US 51 intersection utilizing US 14, I-39, and WI 11 for the posted detour. During stage two, US 51 (Center Ave/Centerway) will be re-opened to traffic with one lane in each direction. The W Court Street and W Milwaukee Street approaches will remain closed during stage two.
Construction is currently scheduled for completion in mid-August, based on favorable weather conditions and construction status.
For more information about the project, visit the WisDOT website.
For questions about the US 51 / 5 Points construction project or to sign up for the weekly update, contact Kevin Saxe at (608) 921-8193 or ksaxe@rhbatterman.com.
Five Points Reconstruction Requires Detours for Janesville Transit
Starting March 24, the 6: BJE Inbound will detour east from Center Avenue onto McKinley to the Transfer Center. The 6: BJE Outbound will travel using McKinley, Academy and Van Buren before resuming the route at Center Avenue. The 9: Nightside West will detour east from Center Avenue onto McKinley and will then use Academy, Laurel and Pearl to resume the route at W. Court Street.
The following 6: BJE bus stops will be temporarily closed during the construction:
- Inbound: #117 Court/Locust, #118 Court/High
- Temporary stops for 6: BJE Inbound will be located at the southwest corner of McKinley/Locust, and the southwest corner of McKinley/High.
- Outbound #325 Milwaukee/Academy.
- The temporary stop for 6: BJE Outbound will be located at the northeast corner of McKinley/Academy.
For questions or to request more information, please call JT at (608) 755-3150.