Woodman’s pledges $1.5 million to support Children’s Museum of Rock County
The Children’s Museum of Rock County today announced Woodman’s Markets as a top donor,
Breaking news, people and events in Janesville, Wisconsin
The Children’s Museum of Rock County today announced Woodman’s Markets as a top donor,
Beloit police say they want to contact Rebecca L. Osmond, 47, of Beloit.
The Janesville Town Square Gran Prix will take place on Thursday June 19, 2025. The tour visits 10 cities in 11 days, ending June 29 in Wauwatosa.
Congressman Bryan Steil has announced that staff office hours.
Three wrestlers from Janesville Parker and one from Craig will will be in Madison beginning Thursday to compete in the WIAA individual state wrestling championship at the Kohl Center.
UW Health has expanded access to primary care services in Janesville with the opening Tuesday of a new family medicine clinic.
A woman is facing multiple charges after a 4-year-old sustained life-threatening injuries Sunday in a Rock County crash.
The B-29 Doc History Restored Tour will land in Janesville for Pistons and Props this summer on July 18-19, 2025.
The Janesville City Council Monday unanimously passed an ordinance to beef up enforcement of its anti-cruising ordinance to include Milton Avenue and the northeast business district.
The Rock County Civics Academy will host two public candidate forums in the lead-up to the 2025 spring election on April 1.