Housing, economic development top concerns for Janesville City Council candidates
Six candidates for the Janesville City Council laid out their positions Thursday evening on what they say are the most pressing issues facing the community.
DOJ: Janesville police officer shoots and kills armed suspect
A Janesville police officer shot and killed a man Friday evening after two others were unable to safely get out of the home, according to state investigators.
Rock County Fair Board seeking permit to sell beer at this year’s fair
The Rock County Fair Board has applied for a temporary permit to sell malt beverages during the 2024 fair in July.
Are you a homeowner needing help with mortgage or utility bills? A new state program could help
Wisconsin Help for Homeowners is a new statewide program that can help with overdue bills like mortgage payments, property taxes or utilities.
Center Avenue tree removal part of major road project set to begin this spring in Janesville
Tree removal and utility work is under way along Center Avenue on Janesville's south side in preparation for a major reconstruction of the thoroughfare beginning in the spring.
Rep. Conley won’t run again for 44th; Democrat Roe announces candidacy
Democrat Ann Roe announced Friday that she is running for the 44th Wisconsin State Assembly District seat.
Three Rock County Fury players named finalists for statewide hockey awards
Three members of the Rock County Fury co-op high school girls hockey team have been named finalists for Wisconsin Prep Hockey awards.
City moving ahead with acquiring former GM property
The City of Janesville plans to acquire and prepare the area to pave the way for new development at the former General Motors campus area.
Jack Farina, who entertained for decades with his Big Band, has passed away at age 89
Jack Farina, who entertained southern Wisconsin for decades as leader of Jack Farina's Big Band, passed away Saturday at age 89.
Owner of longtime Janesville art gallery and frame shop to retire
The owner of Raven's Wish Gallery in downtown Janesville are set to retire and is looking for new owners for the business.