The Board of Education for the School District of Janesville approved a contract cost-of-living pay increase of 5.9%.

JANESVILLE — As a district, Janesville schools came a few points shy of achieving a “meets expectations” grade in the latest Wisconsin Schools Report Card released Tuesday by the state Department of Public Instruction.

But the overall score doesn’t come close to telling the whole picture. Janesville ranked 57.3, “meeting few expectations,” just below the 60.0 need to “meet expectations. Last year’s score was 60.2.

Schools that serve residents from lower income parts of town tended to have lower overall scores, while other schools in the city excelled.

“Despite showing improved achievement scores in most of our elementary schools, and having Monroe Elementary named a National Blue Ribbon School, we know that we can and must do more to have all our schools meet expectations,” said Mark Holzman, Superintendent in a news release.

“While the report cards provide us with information about our students and schools, they are not the only method by which we determine student achievement,” he said.


Only two of Janesville’s twelve elementary schools were graded as “meets few expectations,” although all three middle schools were in that category.

Craig, ARISE and Rock University Charter School “met expectations” while Parker and Rock River Charter School “met few expectations.”

Here are Janesville’s elementary schools ranked by by their overall score:

Significantly exceeds expections, 83+

  1. Jackson Elementary School, 83.3

Exceeds expectations, 70-82.9

2. Monroe Elementary, 78.6

3. Roosevelt Elementary, 78.4

4. Washington Elementary, 77.0

5. Kennedy Elementary, 75.8

6. Harrison Elementary, 75.0

7. Van Buren Elementary, 71.3

8. Jefferson Elementary, 70.3

Meets expectations, 58-69.9

9. Adams Elementary, 65.9

10. Madison Elementary, 61.3

Meets few expectations, 48-57.9

11. Lincoln Elementary School

12. Wilson Elementary School